Net Zero Renovations
Inspire Homes renovates homes in Toronto and surrounding areas to meet Net Zero Home standards.
The national building code intends to move to Net Zero by 2030. But we feel it is important to start implementing this now, for homeowner who desire to do so.
What is A Net Zero Home?
A Net Zero Home is designed and built to produce as much energy (from on-site renewable energy systems) as it consumes on an annual basis. Net Zero Homes are up to 80% more energy efficient that the typical home. A Net Zero Home meets the technical requirements of the NetZero program, including the energy performance rating using NRCan’s EnerGuide Rating System.
What is A Net Zero READY Home?
A Net Zero READY Home has the same energy performance as a Net Zero Home, but the renewable energy system is not yet installed.
What is A Net Zero Renovation?
A Net Zero Renovation applies the same principles and energy requirements of a Net Zero home, while recongizing there is a massive number of home that can benefit from this type of energy upgrade.
Net Zero Renovations achieve the same energy targets as a Net Zero new build. Net Zero Reno requirements recognize the added complexity that come with home renovations, therefore allow for some flexibility in meeting Net Zero requirements.
However the fundamental concept of energy efficiency, and energy consumption offset with energy generation remain the same with Net Zero renos as new Net Zero homes. This ensures a Net Zero renovated home is energy efficient and comfortable.
What Are The Benefits of A Net Zero Home?
There are many benefits of renovating your Toronto home to into a super energy efficient Net Zero Home. Some of the benefits are:
- Increased comfort, rooms with consistent temperatures
- Lower or eliminated energy bills
- Reduction in exterior noise
- Carbon reduction
- Higher resale value
What Is The Ideal Home For A Net Zero Renovation?
The ideal home for a Net Zero Reno in Toronto has the following characteristics:
- Built prior to 2000, or even better, before 1980 where there was little if any insulation added to a home
- Simple shape, square or rectangular, with a simple roof line
- Has a south facing roof surfaces with minimal solar obstruction (ie: trees)
- The home is in need of renovations
How Do We Do It?
We start by analyzing the current house, how much energy it uses, and potential options for improving energy efficiency. We work with a qualified Energy Advisor (which is a requirement of the program).
We then create a plan, which typically involves increased insulation, airtightness, better windows, and improved mechanical systems. Finally we add on-site energy generation, typically with solar panels on the roof.
Do You Have To Add Solar Panels?
No. You could also achieve Net Zero through other means of renewable energy generation.
You can also forgo energy generation and opt for a Net Zero Ready home. You can still have the benefit of a super insulated, energy efficient and comfortable home along with reduced energy bills.
Can You Still Improve Energy Efficiency But Not Do Net Zero?
Absolutely. Not every home is a good candidate for a Net Zero Reno, and not every homeowner will want to renovate the entire home to a net zero reno standard. But most homes can benefit from better insulation and energy improvement projects.
For example, a basement renovation could incorporate Net Zero principles to create a comfortable space. Or a house addition could be built to Net Zero standards to reduce energy consumption.
Who Can Build A Net Zero Home Renovation?
A qualified Net Zero renovation contractor has staff that has completed the Canadian Home Builders Association Net Zero training program, and the company is a member of CHBA and Renomark.
Let's Talk
Have more questions whether a Net Zero renovation is right for you? If you’re a homeowner in Toronto, Mississauga or surrounding areas in the Greater Toronto Area or southern Ontario, we would be happy to speak with you.
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